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What support does Deakin offer whilst I am on placement?


Professional Experience placements are required for many courses, and Deakin offers a wide range of support services to students participating in them. 

Nursing and Midwifery Placements

You can find all the information related to placements in the resources section of your relevant unit sites in CloudDeakin. Contact the clinical team with your clinical placements related enquiry on +61 3 9244 5445 or email at

Teaching – Professional Experience Placement

Check out the Professional Experience webpage to get familiar with placement expectations, timetable and forms. Education students can consult the Professional Experience Office for support services.

School of Health and Social Development

Information related to placements for School of Health and Social Development students can be found on the Practice education webpage.


Postgraduate and undergraduate psychology students have different requirements for placements. Contact your faculty at to get information relevant to you.