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What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?


Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) is your individual education number for life with the Australian Government.

All domestic and on shore international students studying in Australia now need a USI to graduate and receive their award from 2023 onwards.

Eligible domestic students will also need their USI to access a Government HELP loan (such as HEC-HELP, FEE-HELP or SA-HELP) and Commonwealth supported students will need one to maintain their Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP).

Provide your USI now, to avoid any risk to your enrolment or graduation.

Getting your USI

If you don't have a USI, you can create one through the Australian Government website Get a USI. Make sure that when you create your USI, you record your name correctly so that when you verify it with Deakin, your details will match.

Providing your USI to Deakin

Once you have your USI, log into StudentConnect and select ‘USI verification’ on the left-hand menu, under ‘Personal Details’. You will need to check your given name matches what you entered on the government portal, then enter your USI. Finally select to ‘Verify’ the number.

If you have changed your name, you will need to update it with Deakin and through the Australian Government to ensure the details still match.

Further information

If you are having difficulty verifying your USI, please visit the USI Help page.

Find out more on the Unique Student Identifier webpage.